Custom Family Travel

Planning Your Trip
Reasons to Travel
Planning Your Trip
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Turning wishes, wants and dreams into a memorable travel experience begins with an idea which might be based on a prior experience, a recommendation from a friend, an advertisement, a show on television, a story read from a book or a Google search.

Or maybe you just want to get away. Many clients seek our help in this initial planning process. We visit with them to understand what they want and why they wish to travel. They might be very clear on when and where they want to go . . . . in which case our job is to help them put together the details of the trip so vendors can be contacted and reservations made.

In other cases, our clients have only a vague idea of where (and when) they want to travel. In these situations, we undertake a planning project with them to understand the type of experience they are looking for and the budget they have for the venture.  We make suggestions based on our in-depth knowledge and personal experiences . . . . and we help them sort through the many options that might fulfill their dreams.

We have many resources to help our clients plan their trips. Using brochures and websites, we can help them visualize where their travel venture will take them. By communicating directly with vendors we can identify unpublished opportunities and make special arrangements.

And our in-depth knowledge of the pricing structures of the travel industry allow us to identify the options available that may have a dramatic impact on the costs of that dream vacation.

Just contact me when you have that urge to travel and I will work with you to get the best value available.

Custom Family Travel * 116 Deann Drive * Coppell, Texas * 75019